Windows 10 automatically connects to an open WiFi network, not my secure one


Windows 10, Asus PCE-N10 adapter, Asus RT-G32 router.

Everything was fine until an open network appeared in sight. Now, when you turn on the computer, it connects to an open WiFi network, you have to go out and connect through a password to your own. I removed the "connect automatically" checkbox from the open network, on my own it is worth connecting automatically, but it does not help.

How to disable automatic connection to an open WiFi network ???

Link https: //, please do not offer it, it has been tried. The problem is that Windows forgets all settings and connects to an open network ... Once the open network disappeared somewhere and the computer connected to my network, but as soon as it appeared again, everything was all over again ... This is the first time in 5 years, as I connect to the router via an adapter.


According to the idea, if you put the switch next to "Connect automatically within range" in the properties of your Wi-Fi network, and do not connect to an open network at all, forget the network, or disable automatic connection, then you should not have such problems.

I can't even imagine how the system can automatically connect to an unknown Wi-Fi network. Even open. Are you failing to forget this open network? The link to the instruction was given above.

There is one solution. You can try blocking this open Wi-Fi network.

Run Command Prompt as Administrator and run this command:

netsh wlan add filter permission = allow ssid =public_network_name networktype = infrastructure

And you also wrote that you have an Asus PCE-N10 Wi-Fi adapter. Have you installed any program from Asus to manage the adapter? Usually it is installed on the adapter together with the driver. Perhaps this is the problem.



Asked by Andrey


Watch the video: How to fix wifi doesnt connect automatically on Windows 10 (May 2024).
