Why, after connecting a laptop to the Beeline Smart Box, the speed drops to zero?


Hello! I have a Beeline Internet (WiFi router SmartBox). After buying a laptop, I wanted to connect it to the Internet with a wire. As I found out from support, this router does not support such a connection. I copied the MAC address of the laptop to the WiFi router and it worked.

After reinstalling Windows, things started to work horribly. When the laptop is turned off, WiFi works fine, but if you just turn on the computer (without even opening the browser), the Internet speed drops to zero, both on the laptop and on all other devices connected to WiFi. Attempts to reboot the router do not help. Disconnecting the cable from the laptop and connecting it to WiFi also does not solve the problem. That is, on my computer I do not have the Internet in any way, and on all devices it is only when the computer is turned off.


Hello. There are a lot of unclear points in your question.

After buying a laptop, I wanted to connect it to the Internet with a wire. ... this router does not support this connection.

Like this? Why? Does the Smart Box have LAN ports? We just wire the laptop to the Smart Box router.

I copied the MAC address of the laptop to the WiFi router and it worked.

Why did you do this? Who prompted? How did it work (how connected)?

just turn on the computer and the internet speed drops to zero

How is the laptop connected to the router? If by cable, then you set up / launched some kind of connection to Beeline on your laptop?

Disconnecting the cable from the laptop and connecting it to WiFi also does not solve the problem.

That is, after connecting a laptop via Wi-Fi to the Beeline Smart Box, the Internet on all devices also does not work, there is no speed? Even after restarting Smart Box?

I don't understand why the laptop's MAC address was copied to the router. But this could be the reason. Restore the factory MAC address in the router settings. If there is no such possibility, then register the MAC address manually. It should be indicated on the sticker underneath the Smart Box.



Asked by Nikita


Watch the video: Билайн Smart Box One, PPPoE перенастройка-на другого провайдера (May 2024).
