Sony TV and router ONT ZTE ZXHN F670


Hello! I have a Sony TV model KDL-55W905A. Previously, it was perfectly connected to Wi-Fi.

Recently, I changed my provider to MGTS, now GPON connection with ONT ZTE ZXHN F670 router.

The TV does not connect to Wi-Fi. Sees only the 2.4 GHz network. Other appliances at home work without problems with this router. The TV connects to the Internet when distributed from the phone. We called those. support from MGTS and technical support from SONY, but no one could find the reason.

I thought maybe some of those are not combined. capabilities, but judging by the technical characteristics, both devices support the IEEE802.11n protocol. I don’t even know what else could be a problem and in what direction else to look?


Hello. After examining the characteristics of the Sony KDL-55W905A TV and the ZTE ZXHN F670 ONT router, I did not find a single reason why such a connection problem could arise. Router ONT ZTE ZXHN F670 can broadcast Wi-Fi in dual bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz). The TV most likely does not support the 5 GHz band (802.11ac standard). But this is not a problem, it should be connected to the network in the 2.4 GHz band.

It's bad, of course, that you didn't describe how the process of connecting to a Wi-Fi network on a Sony TV goes, at what stage the error appears and which one. It would be nice to see a photo of the error. You can add this information in the comments below.

If you set the same Wi-Fi network name on the new router as on the old one, then this may be the reason that your Sony TV does not connect to Wi-Fi.

I would change the network name and password on a new router. The security type must be WPA2-PSK. In the settings of the router, in the section with the Wi-Fi network settings, you need to check whether the 802.11n operating mode is set there, or mixed (auto). You can manually set the channel width to 20 MHz, or 40 MHz. After each change to the settings, you need to save them and reboot the router. Unfortunately, I can't tell you in more detail on setting up a specific ONT ZTE ZXHN F670. This device does not exist.



Asked by Yana


Watch the video: Assign Static IP to a PC through DHCP: ZTE F660 (September 2024).
