How to check Internet speed on a computer, smartphone, tablet?


We will now check the speed of our Internet connection. I will show you some good sites where you can easily check the incoming and outgoing speed of your Internet connection. Also, consider checking the speed both from a computer and from mobile devices: smartphones and tablets.

Basically, after connecting the Internet, or after installing a Wi-Fi router, everyone quickly begins to measure the speed. In the first case, to check if the Internet provider has cheated us, and if we are getting the connection speed for which we pay. Which was chosen when connecting. And after installing the router, we are wondering if it cuts the speed, because everyone writes that the speed through the router is much lower - we need to check. By the way, regarding the speed of the Internet when connected through a router, I wrote in the article: Internet speed is lower on Wi-Fi. Why does the router cut the speed?

It doesn't matter how your Internet is connected: directly to your computer, via a router via cable, via a modem (including 3G / 4G), or via Wi-Fi. The way the speed is measured does not change. Only the speed itself changes 🙂

One more small moment, and let's move on to measurements. You probably know that the speed is like driving speed - when we download something from the Internet, and outgoing speed - when we upload something to the Internet. Depending on your connection, this speed can vary significantly. Typically, the transfer rate is lower than the receive rate. And one more thing: the services that we will consider, for testing the speed, choose the best one and the closest server (to which the connection speed is checked). Therefore, if you download a file from another server (which is located, for example, abroad), then the speed may differ from that which we will see when checking.

We measure the speed of the Internet with a direct connection, via Wi-Fi, and a modem

I always use This is the most popular service. Follow the link And push the button BEGIN TEST... Let's see how the service tests the speed of our connection.

The ping, receive and transmit speed will be checked. When the check is over, we will see the result. Also, you can see your external IP-address, and the name of the Internet provider.

I now work via 3G from Intertelecom, therefore, the speed is such. But, for wireless Internet, and even during the day, the speed is not bad. True, it usually pulls up to 9-10 Mbit / s. By the way, I already wrote how to amuse the speed of 3G Internet.

If you didn’t like the site for some reason, for example, because of the large amount of advertising, then you can also check the Internet speed on the site We go in and press the button Test.

We wait a little, and we see the result of checking the ping, incoming and outgoing speed.

There are many more different sites where you can check. But, these are the most popular. I think they will be enough.

How to check internet speed on a smartphone or tablet?

You can in the same way go to the sites I wrote about above and run a check. But, I use it myself, and I recommend the application to you Speedtest... It is available for both Android and iOS. Suitable for both tablets and smartphones. Just go to Google Play, or App Store, enter in the list "Speedtest" and install the app. It's free with ads only. Open it and start the check with the button Start check... Of course, your mobile device must be connected to your router via Wi-Fi. Well, or to the mobile Internet.

The check starts, then the check result appears:

Very comfortably. By the way, there is still a tabresults, which displays the history of checks. The same program can check the speed of mobile 3G Internet on your smartphones.


Watch the video: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 vs Note 20 Ultra SPEED TEST! (September 2024).
