Remote access to ASUS router settings. Web access from WAN



How to connect to an Asus router remotely via a smartphone or another computer? In the settings of the router, I enabled "web access from WAN", and then how?
Stock firmware, when activating web access, it gives me the address 8443, and what to do next with it is unclear. I am trying to access this address from another computer, writes that the server was not found.


Hello. Difficult topic. There are instructions on the Internet, everyone tells how to set up access to an ASUS router via the Internet, but no one shows until the end how it actually works. To be honest, I didn't succeed either. Now let's look at some points.

It should be noted right away that ideally, of course, buy an external, white IP address from the provider. Then, when activating the "web access from WAN" function. You can go to the settings of your router at: http: // your_IP_address: 8080 (if you have not changed the port in the settings).

Otherwise, when you do not have a dedicated, external IP address, you need to configure the DDNS function. When you get the address that is assigned to your router. This is what you wrote about above. And you were unable to access the settings at this address. The point is that the DDNS function may not always work. It depends on the provider. And in the DDNS settings on ASUS, I get a message: "The wireless router uses a private WAN IP address. This router is in a NAT environment and the DDNS service cannot work." As I understand it, it depends on the provider, and there is nothing to do here. In addition to buying a dedicated address. Or demand a normal address from the provider. Not from a NAT environment.

Login to ASUS router settings via the Internet

1First of all, of course, we enable the "web access from WAN" function in the configuration of the ASUS router, in the "Administration" section, on the "System" tab.

Save the settings.

2Not written about this anywhere, but it seems to me that you still need to enable the setting "Respond to ping requests from WAN"under Firewall. If it's disabled. In my opinion, it's enabled by default.

It probably doesn't matter. I don't know for sure, and there is no way to check.

3Well, then you need to configure DDNS. This setting is located in the "Internet" (WAN) section, on the "DDNS" tab. Turn on the "DDNS client" function. We select the server "", and in the field "Hostname"you need to come up with and specify your unique domain. You can even do something like" dgsdewlj "(just a set of letters). Save the settings.

If everything is ok, then according to the idea, remote access to the settings of your ASUS router should be at:, orhttps: //

Why can't I customize? DDNS does not work because of the error "The wireless router is using a private WAN IP address. As I understand it, this is due to the ISP messing up with IP addresses. He does not give me an external IP, but an internal one in his system.

It turns out that access from the WAN does not work because DDNS does not work. If your DDNS works, there is no error like mine above in the screenshot, then everything should open. Something like this. Perhaps I was wrong about something. If anything - correct me in the comments.

Valera, and in you try to configure everything as I showed in the article. Perhaps you can do it. I have entered with DDNS settings. If you have done something differently before.



Asked by Valera


Watch the video: ASUS. . Configure ASUS Wi-Fi Router (May 2024).
