Wi-Fi not working on HP laptop after installing Windows 7 instead of Windows 10


Good afternoon ! tell me please bought a laptop HP 15-ra029ur reinstalled Windows 10 on Windows 7 stopped working wi-fi does not see the network (the Internet works via the cable) tried everything: turned on Services, turned on in BIOS, wi-fi is on in the mobility center, sees the driver! but does not want to be friends with Windows 7 ... As I understand it, you need to make friends like a BIOS with a Wi-Fi adapter ???

Photos are attached!

I would be glad to any advice. Thanks in advance.


Maxim, let's go in order.

Included in BIOS

In the BIOS menu, you did not enable or change the settings related to Wi-Fi. The item "Legacy Support", which you turned on and off in the BIOS settings of your laptop, has nothing to do with Wi-Fi.

Yes, usually in the BIOS settings you can disable / enable the Wi-Fi module. But this feature is not available on all laptops. And since you have a wireless adapter in the device manager, it means that it is definitely enabled in the BIOS settings. There are no other settings related to this there.

wi-fi included in the mobility center

No, it is not included there. It also says: "Wireless is disabled" and the button "Enable wireless" is not active for you.

Also, judging by the screenshots, the Wi-Fi module is working in the device manager of your HP laptop, the drivers are installed. You have this module Realtek RTL8723DE 802.11b / g / n PCIe Adapter.

The main reason why Wi-Fi usually doesn't work after installing Windows 7 instead of Windows 10 (including on HP laptops) - lack of working drivers (software) for the hardware installed in the laptop and specifically for Windows 7.

If you look at the drivers for your HP 15-ra029ur laptop on the HP website, we will see that there are only drivers for Windows 10. For Windows 8, and even more so for Windows 7, there are no drivers.

This means that the Windows 7 system does not understand how to properly work with the hardware installed in your laptop. Yes, the adapter is installed and it seems to work, but the system thinks that it is disabled. And this may be due not only to the Wi-Fi module itself, but also to the same function keys.

On your HP laptop, Wi-Fi can be turned on by pressing the F12 key, or by pressing FN + F12. Try it. But it probably won't work. And in Windows 10 it will work, since there are working drivers for this system.

How to fix Wi-Fi problem on HP notebooks (when there is no driver for Windows 7)?

I would install Windows 10. It's better than 7. And if the manufacturer recommends Windows 10, then I see no reason to install Windows 7 and thereby limit the hardware of your laptop.

On the American HP forum, I found exactly the same question. Like after installing Windows 7 on HP laptop - 15-Ra022ur, Wi-Fi cannot be turned on. They gave a link to some kind of driver, but this did not solve the problem.

We found a solution - as I understand it, you need to mask two contacts on the Wi-Fi module (board) itself inside the laptop. I don't think this is normal. Moreover, the warranty (if any) will be lost. Here is this topic: https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Wireless-and-Networking/Realtek-RTL8723DE-Win7x64-driver/td-p/6787032 You can translate it into Russian through a browser and read it. This is your case.

Another solution: try downloading the driver for Realtek RTL8723DE from the Realtek website: https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/category/rtl8723de-software There is a driver for Windows 7.

But I think that this will not work, since the problem is precisely that the wireless network itself cannot be turned on. And here the reason is most likely precisely in the function keys. The adapter is installed and working.



Asked by Maxim


Watch the video: No network, WiFi connection windows 10, code 10, wireless AC 9560 not working u0026 more Fixed 2020 (May 2024).
