Why won't my Windows computer connect to my phone in Wi-Fi hotspot mode?


Hello! Read your article and tried repairs. I have a Huawei 4G phone, I use a PC on Windows 7 through its distribution, 4 days ago the Internet stopped turning on, in the morning and flew in the evening, I leave with the phone and back I can not attach to the network, tel. how the modem works. I have a second 3G phone from which I immediately connect to a PC, but the speed is 1-2 Mbit / s. Very little, 4G has a speed of about 10 Mbps and it was enough for me to work.

I called MegaFon, but what's the point? I have a speedtest program and on a PC with 4G the speed is 10 and 3G is less than 5. Here I also thought that 4G is from China and the signal from the tower is different? The signal from the phone is a 4G antenna 3-4 divisions, so why did you stop connecting to Windows?

  • removed the network adapter 2 times, changed connection passwords.
  • reset the hotspot settings on the smartphone.
  • turned off the antivirus.
  • tried connecting in safe mode and wpa2 psk.
  • rebooted and removed the USB adapter itself from the PC socket.
  • I called the huavei, they said that they bought it in China and reset the network settings, but it did not help.
  • I have not yet reached Windows and its realteka, because the same SIM card from another phone immediately joins the network.

and it is still unclear why 4G joins somehow spontaneously, but today I have been doing scientific poking all evening and I cannot connect a 4G smartphone, Windows error could not connect to the Wi-Fi network. Can you give a tip, it's a provider, Windows, or maybe a phone? Thanks in advance.


In general, I was sitting with this problem 4G does not connect to the network for a long time, and now the network connected as if spontaneously once again, I try to flip through the browser pages, they seem to jump unnaturally, but turn over, I turn on the speedtest to measure the Internet speed, the wi-fi icon is connected, but does not measure speed. It connects and suddenly gives an error in English. that the firewall might be blocking, etc, got into the firewall and disabled the TP link in the firewall and all networks. By the way, I’m wondering if all the checkboxes were correct in the security of the firewall? Well, after that I measure the speed and everything is fine above 10 Mbit / s, while this is so, there may still be some surprise.


Hello. It is very difficult to read your message, I hardly figured it out a little. I could not understand many points from your description of the problem.

I understand correctly, is the distribution of the Internet from a 4G smartphone working now? Is your computer connected to the network normally?

The error "Windows could not connect to Wi-Fi" can appear for various reasons. Both from the side of the computer itself and the access point. In your case, this is a Huawei smartphone and a Megafon operator.

The first step was to launch a Wi-Fi hotspot on the phone with a new name and password. Use only English letters and numbers in the name and password. And on the computer, reset the network parameters.

Well, to find out what's the matter, you can simply connect another device to this Wi-Fi network (which the phone distributes).

Now it is still a very popular topic when operators block the distribution of Wi-Fi from smartphones. But this is hardly your case, since there is usually a connection to Wi-Fi, there is no error "Windows could not connect to Wi-Fi", but the Internet does not work.



Asked by Alexander


Watch the video: How to Fix No Internet Connection on Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot (September 2024).
