Configuring L2TP and PPTP on Xiaomi mi WiFi 4A. Why won't you connect to the internet?


Good afternoon, tell me please, I don't know how to solve this problem.

My provider provides Internet access via L2TP on this router, unfortunately this protocol is absent ...

PPTP is also available, they gave the server address and login password, when adding vpn it writes in Chinese (translated - dialing) and of course there is no Internet access.

In the network settings, the dns gateway registered a static ip mask, it turns out to go to the provider's local site.

As I understand it, the VPN tunnel does not rise.


Good afternoon. Gennady, there is only one way to configure L2TP or PPTP Internet connection on the Xiaomi mi WiFi 4A router - by adding a new protocol in the VPN settings on the router. As you do. I didn't quite understand what it means:

PPTP is also available

Usually one specific protocol is used. Check with your ISP which protocol it uses. And add this protocol in the router settings in the "Advanced" - "VPN" section by clicking on the "Add service" button.

Then just select the PPTP or L2TP protocol and set the username, password, server address. Be sure to check if you are entering this information correctly. If something is specified incorrectly, then Xiaomi mi WiFi 4A will not be able to connect to the Internet (provider).

If everything is correct, then Xiaomi mi WiFi 4A should connect to the Internet. Provided that the provider side has no restrictions.

You also wrote:

In the network settings, the dns gateway registered a static ip mask

Where did you register the static addresses? In the router settings? Usually the provider will automatically provide all of these addresses. Try to set the connection type in the settings, on the "Network settings" tab DHCP.

If everything is configured correctly, and Xiaomi mi WiFi 4A does not connect to the Internet exactly, call the support of the Internet provider. Maybe they can tell you something.



Asked by Gennady


Watch the video: Setup VPN on Xiaomi MI Wi-Fi router (May 2024).
