Which router can receive the Internet from one SSID (or bridge) and distribute its own network with its SSID?


Hello! I have 100 Mbps internet. I want to share it with my neighbors. All have children with gadgets. I would not like to arrange a traffic dump with repeaters. Are there routers (access points) that can draw the Internet via WI-FI and simultaneously distribute, but already their own network, with their SSID?


Hello! Many routers have this feature. Bridge mode is best suited for this connection.

But when two routers are connected via a WI-FI network, the connection speed may drop dramatically. And the stability of the WI-FI network may not be very good. In your case, if possible, it is better to lay a network cable between the routers. Then everything will definitely work without problems. Well, if this is not possible, then you can choose a router that can connect to another router via WI-FI and distribute its network with a different SSID and password.

Almost all TP-Link routers have bridge mode (WDS) - https://help-wifi.com/tp-link/nastrojka-routera-tp-link-v-rezhime-mosta-wds-soedinyaem-dva-routera- po-wi-fi /

On D-LINK routers there is such an opportunity (but as far as I understand, not on all models and firmware) - https://help-wifi.com/d-link/rezhim-klient-most-i-repiter-na-routere- d-link /

WDS mode on ASUS routers - https://help-wifi.com/sovety-po-nastrojke/nastrojka-dvux-routerov-v-odnoj-seti-soedinyaem-dva-routera-po-wi-fi-i-po- kabelyu / (the article is general, but there is also information on Asus).

Netis and Zyxel Keenetic also have such a function. Possibly not on all models. There are many options.



Asked by Andrey


Watch the video: How To Connect wirelessly Two Routers On One Home Network Using WDS without cable (May 2024).
