Internet does not work via USB modem in Asus RT-AC51U router


Sergey, good afternoon! The first time, following your instructions (at this asus-rt-n18u-i-provajdera-intertelekom /.), we managed to establish the Internet via a usb modem and a router.

Then everything went wrong, nothing helps: reinstalling windows, resetting the settings of both the router and the network, no antivirus, no proxy settings. There is a connection, no Internet access.

Modem to router, wifi setting. or a cable from a laptop to a lan in a router. The modem itself works when in the laptop. Through the router, no, writes "connected, limited."

Acer Aspire a315-22g, asus rt-ac51u router, MTS ZTE modem.

Please give a hint.

Good afternoon!

A very important point: Internet via a router does not work only on a laptop? Or doesn't it work on any device?

From the screenshot, I see that the router is getting some very strange WAN IP address. If the Asus RT-AC51U router was connected to the Internet via a USB modem, the address would be different. Is the cable to the WAN port of the router not connected (it is blue)?

I can only advise you to reset the router settings again, connect the MTS ZTE modem to the USB port and configure the router again. Check if the Internet works on other devices by connecting them to the router.

We can discuss your question in the comments below.



Asked by Vik


Watch the video: Adding 3G And 4G Connectivity With Your ASUS Router (May 2024).
