Opera incognito mode, or how to open a private window?


When we use a browser, it collects and stores a lot of different information. If you need to look at some sites, log into a social network under your own name, use Internet banking and at the same time you do not want Opera to save the history of browsed sites, cookies, or some elements of sites in the cache, then you can use the mode incognita. In the Opera browser, you just need to open a private window.

In incognito mode (when surfing in a private window) Opera does not save the sites that you have opened, pictures, other site elements and cookies. They are retained, but will be completely deleted after closing the private window. Simply put, immediately after closing the private window, no one will be able to view your history. Provided that you did not specifically save anything. For example, the download history of files will be available, as well as passwords, if you confirm the save. The sites that you yourself added to the "Piggy bank" will also be saved.

What is incognito mode for? This is a very useful feature. For example, when we need to view something on the Internet from someone else's computer. We just open a private window, look at what we need and close it. All information about our activity will be deleted. Yes, and on a personal computer, this mode may be needed. For example, to go to a site under a different name. Or open the site in a "clean browser".

Please note that private mode in Opera does not change our IP address. This is not a VPN connection. How to use VPN in this browser, I wrote in the article Free VPN in Opera browser.

If you have not used private mode, and you need to clear your history, then see the article on how to clear history, cache, cookies of the Opera browser.

Private mode at Opera

To enable incognito mode in Opera, just click on the "Menu" and select "Open private window".

A new Private Browsing window will open. And a page describing this function. This window is distinguished by an icon (in the form of a hat and glasses), which will be displayed instead of the usual icons (favicon) of the site, and a dark address bar.

You can browse sites in private.

After closing this window, all your activity history will be deleted.

If you go to some sites with your username and password from someone else's computer, then do not save the password (for automatic filling) if the browser prompts you to do this.


Watch the video: YouTube Incognito Mode On PC (May 2024).
