How to increase Internet speed from Internettelecom? We configure a 3G modem or antenna with the AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67 program


Probably everyone who uses 3G Internet from Intertelecom would like to increase the speed of its work. I understand this perfectly, and I know, because I myself sometimes use the Internet from this provider. Recently I wrote an article on how to set up Intertelecom on a computer, and today we will try to figure out how to increase the speed of an Internet connection. By the way, this article is more relevant than ever (at the time of writing). Previously, on the so-called "unlimited" tariffs, Intertelecom gave a maximum of 1 GB per day, but now, they just charge 2 GB per day (I wonder when to expect a price increase for the tariff :)). And if you can't overclock much with 1 GB, then with two you can already listen to online music, and even watch a movie on the Internet.

But, one problem remains, this is speed. It's not a lot of fun to wait a few hours for a movie to load, or listen to music intermittently. I will try to make this article as simple and understandable as possible so that everyone can try to increase the speed of the Internet, and I am sure that you will succeed.

I will write on the example of a provider Intertelecom, and 3G CDMA modem Novatel USB 720. But, this instruction is easily suitable for other modems and providers, such as: Ukrtelecom, MTS, PEOPLEnet, etc. The only thing is that the program with which we will configure the modem may not support it. As far as I know, it supports all modems from Intertelecom.

What determines the speed of the Internet Telecom and how to increase it?

I am not an expert in the field of base stations and all that, but I can say with confidence that at least two parameters affect the speed and stability of the Internet connection:

  • The workload of the base station to which your modem is connected. I think you've noticed that the Internet works faster in the morning than, for example, in the evening. And at 5 o'clock in the morning, he generally flies. That is, the more people are connected to one station, the more they load the network, the slower the Internet will work. We will hardly be able to influence this somehow.
  • And the most important thing, speed depends on signal strength (network coverage). If you have a bad signal, then the Internet from Intertelecom will work very slowly. Or it will not work at all, and if it does, then with constant breaks. Everything is simple here, the stronger the signal, the faster the Internet works. We can influence this parameter, and this is what we will do today.

This is where the main question arises: how to find out what signal I have, and whether it exists at all. And most importantly, how to increase it. If you look at the modem itself, then you will see practically nothing interesting there (except for the network level indicators on some modems). Somewhere in the connections on the computer, the signal strength is not displayed.

What we will do now:

  • With the help of a special program called AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67, we will see how you are doing with Intertelecom coverage.
  • When we know what your signal level is, we will either calm down (if it is maximum), or try to increase it based on the information that we will observe in the AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL program.
  • You can increase the signal in different ways: raise the modem as high as possible (using a USB extension cable), move it in different directions, find the maximum signal level and fix it. If this method does not help to achieve the maximum (or at least the desired) signal and speed, then you will need to install a special 3G antenna and also configure it using the AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67 program. Guided by the parameters that it displays.

There is nothing difficult in this. I will now tell you about everything in detail and with pictures for clarity.

Configuring a 3G Intertelecom modem or antenna using the AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL program

I think that the Internet itself on your computer is already configured and working. It may be slow, but it works. If not configured, then see the instructions, the link to which I gave at the beginning of the article and configure. The main thing is that the connection with the provider is established.

Installing AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67

First, you need to download the AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67 program. Whatever you are now looking for this program on the Internet, I post it here. Download from this link. The program is free and weighs only 2.4 MB.

Save the archive with the AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67 program to your computer, open it, and run the only file in the archiveAxesstelPst_EvDO_1.67.BSNL.exe... Install the program following the instructions. After installation, a program shortcut will appear on the desktop, double-clicking on it, you will launch the program we need.

Determine the COM port of the modem

So, we installed the program, while we leave it alone. We need to find out the COM port of our modem. To view it, connect the modem to your computer, right-click on Computer (or My Computer on the desktop) and select Properties.

On the left select device Manager.

As you can see, there is the name of the modem, and the COM port is written at the end. I have COM7... We remember which port you have.

Configuring AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67 program

We open our program, go to the tab Tool and select the item Setup.

In a new window, opposite the item COM port select the COM port of our modem from the list (which we learned above). Push the button Confirm.

That's it, the program setup is complete. You can close the window with settings. In the two windows you should see a lot of information that changes all the time. This is normal. Now I will write what points you need to look at.

We look at the network level and try to increase the speed

We are interested in information from the window 1xEV Statuswhich has a blue background. More specifically, we are interested in the following items:

  • DRC Requested is the main indicator. The higher it is, and the more stable it is (it is necessary that the numbers in it do not change often, and even better, so that they do not change at all), the better and faster the Internet will work. It is necessary to strive for the maximum value of 3.072 Mbps (this is when connected via Rev. A). If you see a figure of 3.072 Mbps, then most likely you have the maximum signal.
  • RX1, RX2 and Ec / Io - these three parameters should be as low as possible. The lower they are, the better.

For example, I have such a signal if I connect the modem via a USB extension cable and raise it to the ceiling:

To set up your Intertelecom modem for the best reception and speed, just move it by connecting it via a USB extension cable and look at the indicators in the AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL program.

We raise the modem to the ceiling, closer to the window, etc. We experiment until we find the maximum (maximum possible in your case) signal level. That is, the indicatorDRC Requested as high as possible, we strive to 3.072 Mbps, andRX1, RX2 and Ec / Io - as low as possible.

After finding the best signal, simply fix the modem in that location. You can hang it, attach it with tape, or nail it to the wall :)

For example, without an antenna, I have a maximum signal of about 1.2288 Mbps and the Internet speed is just awful. After connecting the CDMA antenna, the signal is stable at 3.072 Mbps (almost maximum) and the speed is more or less normal. Here are my readings with an antenna:

And the speed is about the following (measured in the afternoon, on a weekend, depending on the workload of the base station):

The speed has grown very decently after replacing the modem with Huawei EC 306-2 (with Rev.B support), and connecting an unlimited tariff. Wrote about this in the article

Let's sum up

This way you can tune your modem or antenna for maximum signal. This means that your speed will be relatively good. The main thing is that there is something to be guided by. We look at the indicators in the program and slowly move the modem, or antenna.

The article turned out to be large, this is only because I tried to describe everything in detail and as simple as possible. I perfectly understand how I immediately scare all these parameters, but believe me, everything is very simple and clear there. And most importantly, it's worth it, you can decently increase the speed, or understand that you can't do without installing an antenna. I put off buying and installing the antenna for a very long time, and after installing it, I realized that I had to buy it right away. The speed gain is very good. With one modem and an extension cable, I could not achieve such a signal.

I hope that you will be able to make your Internet fast and stable. I am waiting for your feedback, questions, and do not forget to share your connection speed test results.


Watch the video: Nepal Telecom Sky pro NT EVDO fast internet speed. (September 2024).
