Torrent and online games do not work through a router


Question: Hello everyone, is there a problem with internet recoil or what is it. The torrent does not download at all - the connection to the peers is frozen and so you can wait for days, the online game Tera also does not enter, but the browser works great and the movie plays well and all that. I tried it with other routers and computers, but the same thing - the online game does not work and the torrent does not work either. Maybe the provider is blocked and not the routers have a problem?
Here is the Speedtest.

There seem to be norms, but the problem remains. Help.


Judging by the speed test, your speed is good. And the ping is good. You have already figured out that the problem is not with the router. As for the ISP, I doubt that they are blocking something. Although, you can call and ask.

Here it is already necessary to understand in more detail the torrent and the game on this particular computer. I would also try to test the operation of the torrent on another computer, through your connection. Well, I think you tried to download different files? It may be that there is simply no distribution. Well, there may be a problem on the game side.

If possible, connect the Internet directly to the computer and check the work.

Write about the results, we will think further.



Asked by Pavel


Watch the video: Fix u0026 Speed Up Dead Torrent. Resolve Torrent Shows connecting to peers (September 2024).
