Windows 10: Invalid network security key. try again


I decided to tell you about the solution of one small problem that I encountered myself the other day. I installed Windows 10 on an ASUS laptop. Everything was installed well, the system booted, and I decided to connect it to my Wi-Fi network. To install the necessary programs, configure everything, etc.

I open the list of available networks, select my Wi-Fi network, enter the password and get the error "Invalid network security key. Please try again." Not understood. I enter the password for Wi-Fi again, click "Next" and again this error in yellow text, they say, an invalid security key.

Checked the keyboard layout. It costs "ENG". Check if Caps Lock is on. Turned off. I enter the password and again an error. I took a photo:

But I know that the password is correct. I have it simple. 8 numbers and one letter. I introduce it almost every day. And here Windows 10 refuses to accept the password from the Wi-Fi network. The password does not fit, although I am sure that I am specifying it correctly.

If the Wi-Fi password does not work in Windows 10

Without thinking for a long time, I open my notebook (you can find it through the search) and write in it the password for my Wi-Fi network. Then I copy the password from the notepad to the password input line when connecting to the wireless network.

And everything connected. More of the inscription "Invalid network security key. Please try again" I did not see! Here is the solution.

If the method described above did not help you, then most likely you are indeed entering the wrong password. Check your keyboard layout and Caps Lock again. You can see the password on another computer, or in the settings of the router according to the instructions: how to find out your password from Wi-Fi.

You can also try just restarting your laptop. Check if it connects to a different Wi-Fi network.

If you managed to solve this problem in another way, or you have useful information on this topic, then share it in the comments. Me and visitors to will be very grateful to you! 🙂


Watch the video: How To Fix Windows 10 Login Problems 2020 (May 2024).
