Problems with setting up Tenda F3 (connecting to the provider)


Hello Sergey! Good day!

I immediately apologize for my lengthy treatise and do not hope to receive an extensive answer.

Yesterday I arrived from "Alik" with a Tenda F3 router with Russian firmware. Before ordering, I read reviews 99% - excellent (5 *****), 1% -1 * - disgusting. I got into this percentage. The price is certainly not high, but for a pensioner it's still money.

Before setting up, I called the provider to find out the type and address of the server, and was very surprised by his answer. It turns out that I am not the first and Tenda does not work in our network (K-Telecom), and he (the provider) will be glad if I succeed.

Can I change the settings? Also in the reviews they suggest updating the firmware.

I would be very grateful for your answer and help !!!

I am sending screenshots.

P.S. There is no speed at all, although the "ladder" of the Internet is white, I switch to an old router.


Hello! Leonid, what is the actual problem? By srkinshots I see that the connection to the provider is configured, Tenda F3 received addresses from the provider, the status "You have access to the Internet."

I also see that two devices are connected to the router. And judging by the last screenshot, the Internet works for them as well. The status is "IPv4 connection: Internet", the connection icon is normal and the exchange of packets is in progress.

Speed ​​problem? What is the speed when checking through And what is the rate for the tariff?

Or am I missing something?

Just in case, I leave the instructions for setting up Tenda F3.



Asked by Leonid


Watch the video: How to Configure Dynamic DNS on Tenda F3 (September 2024).
