Why is there no hosted networking support in Windows 10?


I decided to try to distribute Wi-Fi from a computer, read your instructions on this whole case https://help-wifi.com/nastrojka-virtualnoj-wi-fi-seti/nastrojka-tochki-dostupa-cherez-wi-fi-adapter-na- pk-s-windows-10 /, and saw that I have no hosted network support on my usb adapter.

I changed the drivers dozens of times, but this line in the command line did not change in any way. It got to the point that I bought a new adapter, but already PCI, but even so this problem was not solved. TL-WN823N and TL-WN881ND adapters. How do I distribute Wi-Fi? do you really have to buy a new adapter? If so, please advise which one.

Hope for a quick reply, thanks in advance.

Are you checking "Hosted Network Support" - "No"? And when you try to start the distribution, the error "Failed to start the hosted network"? You have Windows 10 (judging by the link to the article, a dozen).

First of all, I would advise you not to spend money on adapters, but to buy a Wi-Fi router, even the cheapest one. It's much better than sharing Wi-Fi from your computer.

Windows 10 may not have hosted networking support. As far as I understand, Microsoft is completely cutting this feature out of the system in favor of the built-in Mobile Hotspot feature. I wrote about this at the beginning of the instruction: how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 10.

You can try to distribute the Internet via a hotspot, but this function does not work if you have a high-speed Internet connection (PPPoE). What internet connection you have on your computer, you did not specify in the question.

As for the hosted network (launch via the command line), you need to try to slip the old driver onto the Wi-Fi adapter to the system. The same TP-Link website for the Wi-Fi adapter may have older drivers. You can try to replace the driver using this instruction.



Asked by Kirill


Watch the video: Solved WINDOWS 10 wifi issue Could not start hosted networkDriver issue -BY NEEL CHAUDHARI (May 2024).
