Very low internet speed through a router. Nothing opens


Hello, I have such a problem, it has not been written about it anywhere. In general.

On my router, all the necessary lights are on, all the wires are in place, even on the monitor in the lower right corner no exclamation marks are lit, it says that there is access to the Internet. But when I go to a website from my phone or computer, it starts loading endlessly. Even if I go from my phone to some application that requires an Internet connection, and at the same time wi fi is turned off, he will write to me that there is no connection, but if I turn on wi fi on my phone, he writes that there is Internet, but endless download begins. (and I have had this problem for several days, I have paid for the Internet).


Hello. You have probably already done such elementary decisions as restarting the router?

In any case, first you need to understand what the problem is. If the Internet speed is very low on all devices, as I understand from the description, there is no speed at all, nothing opens, then the problem is either in the router or at the provider.

To check this, just connect the Internet directly to your computer, without a router. See what the internet speed will be. Then it will already be possible to think further. And you can call the provider's support, maybe they have some problems there.



Asked by Maxim


Watch the video: NETGEAR Router Slow speed Now Solved!!!!!!! (May 2024).
