IPv6 without access to the network (Internet). Why and how to fix it?


I noticed that in the comments, visitors often ask questions about the error "IPv6 connection without network access", or "IPv6 connection without Internet access". This inscription can be seen in the "Status" window of your Internet connection. And these questions are most often left in articles with solutions to some problems with connecting to the Internet. Now I will try to explain what this error means with IPv6 in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7, and what can be done.

I am almost sure that you are faced with this problem due to the fact that the Internet has stopped working on your computer or laptop. Or you are trying to configure it, but it does not work. And somewhere in the settings you saw "IPv6 without access to the network (Internet)". Of course, this inscription is alarming. Once "without access to the Internet," then the Internet cannot work.

Let's go in order. What is IPv6? This is a new IP protocol, which has been supported since Windows 7. Although it is currently used by ISPs, it is not yet very active. And in most cases, IPv4 is now used. And it is already possible to draw some conclusions and come to solutions to the error.

Important! When connecting to the Internet via a router, the IPv4 protocol is always used! Also, most ISPs use this old protocol. This means that the inscription "IPv6 without network access" is normal. The internet should work. Like mine in the screenshot above. If the Internet does not work, then the problem is something else.

Let's take a closer look.

If IPv6 without network access through a router

It should be so. It's not a mistake. Above, I already wrote that when connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or by cable through a router, the IPv4 protocol is used. See what his status is. And if the Internet does not work, then you need to look for the reason in something else: computer settings, router settings, Internet provider. Most likely you will find these articles useful:

  • "Without Internet access" when setting up a router
  • Without Internet access in Windows 7 when connected via Wi-Fi network
  • "Connection limited" in Windows 10

In these articles, you should find a solution to your problem. If all else fails, describe your problem in the comments to this article. I will try to give advice.

Configuring IPv6 (if your provider supports this protocol)

In the event that your provider uses the IPv6 protocol, you may need to set the parameters manually. Although, in most cases, addresses are assigned automatically. The provider has a DHCP server that distributes unique addresses to subscribers. And if this protocol does not have access to the network, or the Internet, then most likely the provider has some technical problems.

You can restart your computer. If this does not help, then you need to call the provider's support and explain the problem. Let me remind you that you can do all this only when the Internet is directly connected to your computer. No router.

Let's also show you where you can register static IP and DNS addresses for TCP / IPv6.

Press the keyboard shortcut Win + R, enter the commandncpa.cpl and click Ok.

Next, open the properties of the "Ethernet" or "Local Area Connection" connection.

Highlight "IP Version 6 (TCP / IPv6)". Click the Properties button.

Then you can register static IP and DNS addresses. The default is to get addresses automatically. Most likely, it should be so.

If you need to specify static data, then check with your provider.

How do I register Google's DNS for IPv6?

Replacing DNS addresses with static Google Public DNS (or others) very often allows you to get rid of the Cannot find server DNS address error and other problems when all or some sites do not open in the browser.

For IPv6, these addresses will have a slightly different look.

Open the properties of the 6th protocol (as I showed above), put the radio button next to "Use the following DNS server addresses" and write (copy) the following addresses:



It should look like this:

With DNS sorted out.

Let's summarize: if you see the inscription "IPv6 without network access", and the Internet is connected through a router, then it does not work because of this error. Look for another problem. I gave links above.

It is the same with a direct internet connection. If the provider does not use IPv6, then the "no network access" status is not an error, it should be. If the ISP uses this protocol, then most likely the problem is on the side of the ISP's equipment.


Watch the video: Connected but No Internet Access Windows 10 FIX!! 2018 (September 2024).
