Devices do not switch to a stronger Wi-Fi signal (router-repeater)


Hello. For some unknown reason, all settings on the TP-Link router have disappeared. After restoration, for a very long time, I could not re-adjust the repeater to the router. (could not enter the repeater settings). We managed to revive the repeater only by activating the bridge in the router. I connected the repeater, everything works. Disconnected the bridge. Working . However, a problem arose that moving away from the repeater and getting into the router's zone, the gadgets do not automatically switch to a stronger Wi-Fi signal. You need to switch wifi on your phone, then it connects to a "strong" network. And similarly, with the reverse procedure, moving away from the router closer to the repeater, there is no switching to the repeater. What to do? Thanks.


Hello. There shouldn't be such a problem. The devices should automatically switch between router and repeater. As I understand it, it was like this before? It is difficult to say what exactly the problem is, and how to fix it. I will voice my thoughts on this issue.

To begin with, just because the settings on the router should not fly off. Unless you do the reset yourself. Perhaps this is already some kind of hardware problem with TP-Link.

After setting up your TP-Link router, have you done a factory reset on the repeater?

I would do like this:

  • Reset TP-Link settings. Repeated, standard setting without activating additional functions such as bridge. In the configuration process, specify another name of the Wi-Fi network.
  • Resetting the repeater settings and setting up with a TP-Link router.

After that, the devices should switch automatically between the Wi-Fi network of the router and the amplifier. Bridge mode has nothing to do with it. I don't understand how activation of this mode could help you. I think this is the problem.



Asked by Mikhail


Watch the video: ASUS: How to set up Access Point mode (September 2024).
