Tablet Asus ZenPad Z301 ML does not work in the MGTS network


There is wi-fi from MGTS. I bought an Asus ZenPad Z301 ML tablet - when trying to connect to a network, it cyclically reboots until you turn off wifi. The reviews advised to treat with permanent IP. I bought a permanent IP from MGTS. In a toga it connects to the network, but without the Internet. ASUS technical support said that in the next update this problem will be solved, but when it will be unknown. They advised to treat by switching to the IPv6 protocol, but MGTS said that they do not work with this, only v4. They also advised to install a repeater, but they did not really explain how it could help. Perhaps you have already encountered such a problem?


Wi-Fi router or tablet rebooting? What equipment do you have? Wi-Fi modem? Are other devices connected and working?

Something is wrong here. Your Internet is most likely connected via a modem or router. It turns out that the modem connects to the provider and simply distributes the Internet. A permanent IP cannot help in any way.

Maybe in the reviews they were advised to reserve a permanent IP in the modem settings for your tablet, or just register the IP of the modem on the tablet. But it is definitely unlikely to buy IP from a provider. You can buy an external IP from your provider, which will not help in this situation. It's the same with IPv6. The provider can issue an external address (but the provider does not distribute IPv6). And when the tablet connects to the modem, this is already a local IP address.

Quite simply, the problem is between your Asus ZenPad and your router, not your ISP. The MGTS provider has nothing to do with it. Unless they can give advice on setting up a Wi-Fi router. If you have their equipment installed.

By the way, does the tablet connect normally to other networks? Can you change the settings of your router?

Try to register a static IP in the properties of the Wi-Fi network on the tablet. For example, This is provided that the router address is

How can a repeater help? It will connect to your modem, and the tablet will already connect to the repeater. Perhaps this is how it will work.



Asked by Natalya


Watch the video: ASUS Zenpad 10 Hands on and First Impressions (September 2024).
