or - go to the Wi-Fi router settings


A lot of users ask how to enter the Wi-Fi router settings. This is a really very popular topic on which I have written more than one article. Many, to enter the settings of their router, simply type the address, or in the browser and go not to the control panel of their router, but to the page. Where they see many sites, and are already trying to log into their router according to the instructions.

I decided to prepare a detailed article in which I will tell you how to connect everything, how to find out the address to enter the settings of the router, what are these and addresses, where to enter them, and how to go to the page with the router settings in general.

If you just bought a router (or modem) and want to configure it, something is broken, the Internet has stopped working, the settings have failed, you want to change some parameters (name of the Wi-Fi network, password, etc.) , then you need to open the settings, and there you can do it all. This is what we will consider in this article. I have already prepared detailed articles for different router manufacturers: Tp-Link, D-Link, Asus, Tenda, ZyXEL, Linksys, and there is even a general article on logging into the router's web interface. And in this article I want to talk in more detail about the addresses through which you can access the page with the settings of the router or modem. and - what are these addresses and how to use them

A router (or modem) is a device that has its own small operating system (software). It is clear that these devices have many settings. If you do not set gentle parameters, then the Internet will not work, there will be no password for Wi-Fi, etc. Therefore, each router has settings. These settings are opened through a browser at a specific address. We can say that this is such a page, or a site with the settings of your network device.

As a rule, on all routers, the settings can be accessed by the IP address or192.168.0.1... Also, many manufacturers use addresses like my.keenetic.net to access the web interface. But, even in these cases, you can use the addresses from numbers, which I wrote about above.

Very often, manufacturers of network devices, in the kit, on the disk provide special programs with which you can configure and change the settings of the router. For example, Linksys focuses on this method of configuration. It seems to me that it is better to do everything through the browser, so as not to get confused. This is more understandable.

In any case, you can open the settings of your device by simply typing the address, or in any browser. With a connected router. We will now look at this in more detail.

How do I find the IP address of my router?

Everything is very simple. On almost all devices, the address to access the control panel and the standard username and password are listed at the bottom of the device itself. Here, for example, on Tp-Link devices. The IP address to be typed in the browser - (there are several models with the address Username and password are admin and admin.

Here's an example on D-Link:

But the address is indicated on the ZyXEL routerhttp://my.keenetic.net... But the settings open without problems at

This information is available on every device. Or, in the instructions.

Open the page with router settings through a browser

1First, we need to connect the computer (from which you want to configure) to your router. It can be connected both via a network cable (which should be included in the kit) and via Wi-Fi. It is very easy to connect via LAN cable. One end to the network card of a computer or laptop, and the other to the LAN connector on the router.

If you want to connect via Wi-Fi, then just connect to your network. If the router is new, then the network will have a standard name, and most likely will be without a password. If the router is new and the network is closed, then the standard PIN should be indicated at the bottom of the device. You can also watch this article.

When the connection is established, the connection status can be "Limited", or "No Internet access" - this is normal, the router is not configured yet, and there is no Internet connection. You can go into the settings.

2Open any browser (Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge), and in the line where you need to specify the site address, type or copy the IP address of your router. This is, or (you can type without http: //). And go to this address by pressing the Enter key.

Or, here's another example, go to the address192.168.1.1 (using Asus as an example):

3A login and password request should appear to access the settings. Typically, these are admin and admin. Or, the password field must be left blank. This information is indicated on the router itself, where the IP address is. If you have already changed this username and password, then you need to enter your own. If you forgot them, you will most likely have to do a factory reset.

The authorization window itself may differ slightly. It all depends on the manufacturer of the router and browser. If you specify everything correctly, a page with settings will open. Which also look different on different devices.

Now you can customize everything, change some parameters, etc. If anything, see the instructions on our website. Or, ask in the comments.

Hope this article helps you open your router's settings page without any problems. You can do everything yourself, nothing is difficult. Well, if something doesn't work out - ask questions in the comments.


Watch the video: Не заходит в настройки роутера на адрес, (May 2024).
