What is WPS on a Wi-Fi router? How to use the WPS function?


Most likely, most users do not even realize that their routers have such technology as WPS (or QSS). In short and in simple terms, WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is a technology that is designed specifically to simplify the connection of devices to a Wi-Fi network. Using WPS, you can connect devices to a Wi-Fi router without having to enter a password for a wireless network. Which is very convenient.

Almost every modern router has a WPS button. The same section is in the router settings. And many are interested in the question, why is this WPS button needed, what is it in general, and how to use this technology. We will consider all these issues in detail in the article.

I'll show you how to connect different devices to a Wi-Fi network without entering a password (laptops, Android mobile devices), and how to set up (enable or disable) WPS on different routers (TP-LINK, ASUS, D-LINK, ZyXel).

What is the WPS button on the router for and how to use it?

The button is needed to activate the WPS technology. There is such a button on almost all routers. It is usually signed WPS... It looks something like this (on an ASUS router):

Not infrequently, the button is combined with the reset function of the router. This is very common on TP-LINK routers.

Be careful not to hold down the "WPS / RESET" button for a long time. After holding it for about 5 seconds, the settings of your router will be reset to factory settings.

And on new routers from ZyXel, the WPS function enable button looks like this:

In any case, finding such a button on the body of your router is not at all difficult. Well, if it is not there, then go to the settings of the router, and look for the corresponding item in the control panel (below in the article, I will show you how to do this).

The function is activated at the touch of a button. In the case of my ASUS router, you need to hold the button for 1 second. When the WPS function is activated, the indicator on the router will most likely flash. The power indicator on the ASUS router is blinking. Some routers have a separate indicator, usually in the form of a padlock. The function is activated for a while, then the indicator stops flashing. It can be reactivated simply by pressing a button.

How to connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password via WPS (QSS)?

We figured out the activation of the technology on the router, let's now look at the process of connecting different devices.

Ways to connect to a Wi-Fi network without entering a password (via WPS):

  • When there is a WPS button on the router and on the device that you are connecting. For example, an external USB Wi-Fi receiver, it is enough to press a button on both devices, and the connection will be established.
  • If the device that you want to connect to Wi-Fi does not have a mechanical button, but it is not on laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc., then WPS is activated by a button on the router, and on a computer, for example, the connection is automatic. On mobile devices, in the settings, simply select the connection using WPS. It all depends on the specific device.
  • There are some models of routers that do not have a WPS button. But this does not mean that the technology is not supported. In any case, you can activate this technology through the settings of the router.
  • Connection using a PIN code. In the settings of the WPS function, a special PIN code is set, with which you can also connect devices. Simply by choosing the appropriate connection method and entering the code.

To connect to Wi-Fi using the methods described below, the WPS function must be enabled on your router. It is enabled by default, but it was disabled on my D-LINK. So, if you didn't disable anything, then everything will work. If something does not work out, then you need to check the settings. How to do this, I will write below in the article.

We connect to Wi-Fi a computer (laptop) on Windows 7, 8, 10 via WPS

Everything is very simple here. Open the list of networks available for connection on the computer, select the required network, and click on the "Connect" button.

A password entry window will appear. And below, there should be a message "You can also connect by pressing a button on the router." You may have to wait a couple of seconds for this message to appear.

Now, press the WPS button on the router, and the computer will connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password.

That's it, you can use the wireless internet connection. You do not need to disable anything on the router.

If you have an adapter with a WPS (QSS) button

For example, I have a WPS button on my ASUS router, and a QSS button on a TP-LINK USB Wi-Fi adapter.

Go, when you press the button on both devices, a connection should be established. It is, but as far as I understand, the proprietary Wi-Fi adapter utility must be installed on the computer. It is located on the included disk. You can also download it from the official website for your adapter model.

WPS connection for Android smartphones and tablets

To connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password on Android, you need to go to Wi-Fi settings, select advanced settings, then select a connection using WPS, and press a button on the router. The smartphone or tablet will automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network.

On different devices, these settings may look different. But the procedure will be the same. There you can also choose to connect via WPS using a PIN code.

Even when connected to Wi-Fi of Philips TV (Android TV), WPS technology can be used.

As for iOS (iPhone, iPad, etc.), as far as I understand, there is no WPS support there. If I'm wrong, if you know, then write me in the comments.

How to enable, disable and configure WPS (QSS) on a router?

Let's take a look at the basic settings for Wi-Fi Protected Setup on routers from different manufacturers. There are practically no settings there. Basically, this is disabling the technology (since it is enabled by default), and changing the PIN code.

On TP-LINK routers

Go to the router settings and go to the "WPS" tab. If you do not know how to enter the control panel, then see this manual.

WPS management on ASUS routers

If you have an ASUS router, then go to the settings at, go to the "Wireless network" - "WPS" tab.

Quick Wi-Fi setup (WPS) on ZyXEL Keenetic

It is enough to open the "Wi-Fi network" tab in the settings. There you will see the required settings.

Wi-Fi Protected Setup on D-LINK

Go to the D-LINK control panel, go to the "Wi-Fi" - "WPS" tab. By the way, as it turned out, this technology is disabled by default on D-LINK routers. Therefore, you need to enable it.

Well, don't forget to save your settings.


With WPS (QSS), you can really quickly connect your device to Wi-Fi without entering a password. The technology works and is very easy to use. Personally, I have only used this feature a few times. There is no need to frequently connect new devices, and it is not difficult to enter a password.

By the way, if you do not use the WPS function, then it is advisable to disable it. Honestly, I don't know why, but I have already met information several times that it is advisable to disable it for security purposes. Although, I think this is complete nonsense. The main thing is that it would be convenient for you to use the wireless network, connect new devices, etc.


Watch the video: How To Connect Your Own WiFi Without Password Using WPS Button 4K (September 2024).
