Reset network settings in Windows 10


There are a lot of Internet problems in Windows 10. What you can not find in the comments to various articles on our website. I have already written many instructions for solving various problems that Windows 10 users most often face. And for almost every problem or error, I would advise you to reset your network settings. This very frequency procedure is a solution to many different, and sometimes even incomprehensible problems.

In Windows 10, you can reset the network settings through the settings. This opportunity appeared after the installation of update 1607. Previously, you could reset the DNS cache, TCP / IP settings, etc., only through the command line, using special commands. In principle, this can be done now by executing the necessary commands, but you can make everything much easier by clicking on one button in the settings.

Resetting network (internet) settings itself will completely clear all network settings and reinstall network adapters. Wireless adapter (if available), and network card. Simply put, after resetting the network settings and rebooting, everything regarding the network and internet connection will be cleared to factory settings. To the state that was immediately after installing Windows 10.

This method can help solve a huge number of errors. Among them: the connection is limited, the error "Cannot connect to this network" when the Internet does not work via Wi-Fi, or the error "This computer is missing one or more network protocols" appears in Windows 10. Only if the problem is on your computer, not your internet service provider, or your Wi-Fi router.

Moreover, resetting the network settings can be useful in case of problems that users encounter in the process of distributing Wi-Fi in Windows 10. I advised this method in the article devices do not connect to an access point in Windows 10. Only there I showed how to reset the settings TCP / IP via command line.

An important point! As I wrote above, this procedure will completely remove all Internet connection parameters and network settings. If you have configured some kind of Internet connection, then you will need to configure it again. If you yourself cannot, then see the article: how to set up the Internet in Windows 10. In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that after the reset the problem remains, or even worse.

How to reset internet and network settings in Windows 10?

Everything is very simple here. Open "Start" and go to "Options".

Go to the "Network and Internet" section.

On the "Status" tab, click on "Reset Network".

Click on the "Reset Now" button.

We confirm the reset by clicking "Yes".

The computer will restart.

All network settings will be reset to factory defaults. If you had problems connecting to a Wi-Fi network, then try to connect again. If the Internet is connected directly to the computer, and you need to configure the connection (PPPoE), then create it. Or try starting the hotspot if you had problems with this.


Watch the video: How to Reset Network Settings Windows 10. 8 Easy (May 2024).
