How to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop or computer without a router


There is often a situation when the Internet is connected to one computer or laptop, and there is a need to distribute this Internet to other devices. Smartphone, tablet, or other computer. If you went to this page, then most likely you know that you can distribute Wi-Fi from a computer and without a router. Better, of course, to buy an inexpensive router, connect the Internet to it, and it will already distribute it to all devices. But this is not always possible. It is in such cases that you can use a laptop or a computer with a Wi-Fi adapter as a router.

There are several ways to launch a virtual Wi-Fi network and force your computer to distribute the Internet. I would single out three ways: by commands via the command line, via a mobile hotspot, and using third-party programs. We will now take a closer look at each method. You can choose the most suitable option for yourself and proceed to the setup according to the instructions that you will find in this article, or by the links that I will leave in the process of writing.

How to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from a computer:

  • Through the command line. This is the most popular method and works in Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1) and Windows 10. You need to start a command prompt, run a few commands, and open the Internet sharing. After that, the computer will start broadcasting a wireless network to which you can connect your devices and use the Internet. I have already prepared two detailed instructions: how to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from a Windows 7 laptop, and how to distribute Wi-Fi from a Windows 10 laptop. The instructions are almost the same, just written using the example of different operating systems.
  • Using the Mobile Hotspot feature. This is a standard feature that appeared in Windows 10. It's much simpler there. It is enough to set the name of the Wi-Fi network, password, select a connection for public access, and start the access point. How to set up: mobile hotspot in Windows 10. Launch an access point in a simple way. If you have a "dozen" installed, then I advise you to try this method first. It has its own nuances, which I wrote about in the article at the link above.
  • Using third-party programs. There are many free and paid programs with which you can run a virtual Wi-Fi network on your computer. In fact, these programs also launch the distribution via the command line, just a little more convenient. No need to copy commands, etc., just press a button. But these programs do not always work stably and correctly. I also wrote about them in a separate article: programs for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop in Windows 10, 8, 7. Launching an access point.

Those instructions, the links to which I gave above, are enough to set everything up. But since I decided to make one large and general article on this topic, I will write a detailed guide for each method. Of course with pictures.

Note! If you want to distribute Wi-Fi without a router using a stationary computer (PC), then you must have a Wi-Fi adapter. Internal, or external, which is connected via USB. I wrote about such adapters here. In laptops, this adapter is built-in.

It doesn't matter if you have a PC or a laptop - Wi-Fi should work. The driver for the wireless adapter must be installed, and the list of connections must contain the adapter "Wireless network" or "Wireless network connection". To check the possibility of starting Wi-Fi distribution, run a command line as administrator and run the command netsh wlan show drivers... The line next to "Hosted Network Support" should be "yes".

Let's move on to setting up.

How to share Wi-Fi via command line?

Let me remind you that this method works for Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7.

You need to run the command line as administrator. In Windows 7, open "Start", then "All Programs" - "Accessories". Right click on "Command Prompt" and select "Run as Administrator". In Windows 10 and 8, you can simply right-click on the Start menu and select "Command Prompt (Admin)".

We copy and execute (with the Enter key) the following command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = "my_wi-fi_network" key = "12345678" keyUsage = persistent

This command sets the name ssid = "my_wi-fi_network" and passwordkey = "12345678" for a Wi-Fi network that will be distributed by a PC or laptop. You can change the name and password if you wish.

To start the access point itself, you need to run the following command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

This is the result after executing the first and second commands:

If the error "Failed to start the hosted network. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation." see this article for solutions.

Devices can already be connected to a running Wi-Fi network, but only the Internet will not work yet. Need to share the internet.

To do this, go to "Network Connections" (Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings). Right click on the connection through which you are connected to the Internet and select "Properties".

Next, on the "Access" tab, you need to check the box next to "Allow other network users to use this computer's Internet connection" and select a new connection from the list. The name of the connection will contain a number (not necessarily the same as mine in the screenshot), and below the name of the network, which is indicated in the first command.

Next, you need to stop the distribution with the command:

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

And run again with the command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

After each restart of the computer, you will need to start the distribution again (only with the netsh wlan start hostednetwork command). It can also be stopped by the appropriate command, as I showed above. If you want to make the access point start automatically, then see the instructions: automatically start distributing Wi-Fi when you turn on the laptop.

After these steps, you can connect to the Wi-Fi network named "my_wi-fi_network" (if you have not changed it), and use the Internet. As you can see, without a Wi-Fi router.

If you are faced with a problem when devices cannot connect to an access point, or the Internet is connected but does not work, then first of all turn off the antivirus and firewall. Also see the articles, links to which I will give below.

Perhaps useful:

  • Error while allowing Internet connection sharing
  • Unable to share Internet access - when there is no access tab, drop-down list, etc.
  • I can't share Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 7, Windows 10 (8) - solutions to various problems. This includes errors "The hosted network could not be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation."
  • Distributed Wi-Fi from a laptop, but the Internet does not work "Without access to the Internet"

It should be noted that a computer is not always willing to turn into a router. Sometimes you need to dance with a tambourine 🙂

Configuring Mobile Hotspot (Windows 10 only)

In this case, everything is much simpler. Open "Settings" (the button with the gear icon in the Start menu) and go to the "Network and Internet" section.

The Mobile Hotspot tab contains all the settings for this function. The network name and network password will be immediately written there. If you want to change them, then click on the "Change" button. Set new ones and save.

Next, in the drop-down menu, you need to select a connection for sharing access to the Internet and turn on "Mobile hotspot".

Disable your antivirus and firewall if you experience any problems.

Related articles:

  • Detailed setup instructions:
  • Mobile Hotspot does not work in Windows 10. Cannot share Wi-Fi
  • Mobile hotspot in Windows 10 over PPPoE (dial-up, broadband)

We distribute Wi-Fi without a router. Using special programs

I still recommend using one of the above methods. It is very easy to get confused in these programs, a variety of and incomprehensible errors can appear, which are also not easy to understand. For me personally, the command line method is much easier. There is no need to download, install, etc.

But if you still chose this option, then I can recommend the following programs: Virtual Router Plus, Maryfi, Connectify, Switch Virtual Router. I wrote about their configuration in detail in a separate article: 8-7-zapusk-tochki-dostupa /. And a separate instruction on setting up Switch Virtual Router.

These programs for distributing Wi-Fi from a computer look like this (in the screenshot of Switch Virtual Router):

In principle, if everything is fine on the computer with the wireless adapter drivers, network settings, Internet connection and the antivirus does not interfere, then it is very convenient to distribute the Internet through these programs.

What if it doesn't work?

When I was writing this article, I checked all three methods on my computer. My laptop easily shared the internet via Wi-Fi with other devices. It must be admitted that the virtual wireless network function itself is not always stable. And in general it does not always work 🙂 As practice shows, everything is due to problems with the wireless adapter, incorrect settings, or an antivirus that blocks connections.

There are some of the most popular problems and mistakes that people often encounter. I did not consider them in this article, but I described the solutions in separate instructions, links to which I gave above. Be sure to check out these articles for all the information you need.

You can leave your questions, advice and feedback in the comments below. I read everything, answer and, if possible, try to help with advice.


Watch the video: How To make a Wifi Connection on Desktop without wireless router Windows 7 (September 2024).
