Windows IP address conflict detected. What to do?


You can see quite a few different errors in Windows. And today I will tell you about the solution to the error "Windows IP address conflict detected", which can often be seen when connecting to the Internet. Including through a router. In Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7, in the error window you can read a simple and understandable description: "There is already a computer on this network with the same IP address."

And here is the error window itself:

And the error in good old Windows XP:

This error most often appears when connecting to a router (to a local network). At home, or somewhere at work. If an error appears, it means that your computer is trying to obtain an IP address that is already occupied by another device on the network. Therefore, there is a conflict of IP addresses. The error is actually rare, as by default the router will automatically distribute IP addresses. And there can be no conflict. But, even if the router distributes IP automatically (the DHCP server is responsible for this), and for some reason you have registered a static IP address on the computer, which is already occupied by another device, the error "Windows IP address conflict detected" appears.

An important point! If you are faced with this problem not at home, but somewhere at work, then I do not advise you to change any settings yourself. It is better to contact the person who is responsible for the operation of this network.

Well, a few tips, before everyone goes to the settings:

  • First, you just need to restart your router and computer.
  • If the Internet is connected directly to the computer (without a router), then you can try disconnecting the network cable and connecting it back. If this does not help, then contact your provider's support. Most likely, the IP-address conflict arose through their fault.
  • In the "Network Adapters" window, you can try to disable the "Network Connection" adapter. In Windows 10 it is called "Ethernet". And turn it back on.

If all this does not help, you need to check the IP settings for the network adapter. There are two options: set the automatic receipt of addresses, and if this does not help, then register static addresses.

How to fix IP conflict error on Windows 10, 8, 7, XP

Go to the "Network and Sharing Center" and go to "Change adapter adapters".

Then right-click on the adapter "Network Connection", or "Ethernet" and open "Properties".

Click on "IP Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)", then click on the "Properties" button. If you have any parameters set there, then set the automatic obtaining of IP and DNS. Like this:

Restart your computer. If after that the Internet did not work, or you had automatic receipt initially set there, then you can try to set the necessary parameters manually.

Static IP addresses: as a solution to the conflict

Personally, I am against static IP addresses. It is better to set automatic receipt on all devices. And then sooner or later, the error will come out again. But if you need to urgently solve this problem, then the option with static addresses can come in handy.

Open the settings as I showed above. But instead of automatic settings, put the switch next to "Use the following IP address". And then we need to register the IP address itself, the subnet mask and the default gateway.

  • IP address - here you need to specify the address that our computer will receive from the router. You must first find out the IP address of the router. Most likely it is, or Then, change the last digit. It is desirable to prescribe above 100. For example: if my router has an IP address of, then I prescribe
  • Subnet mask - will be assigned automatically.
  • Default gateway is the IP address of the router. In my case, it is
  • DNS addresses can be registered: /

Like this:

I think these steps helped you get rid of the error, and the Internet on your computer still worked. Write in the comments, ask questions!


Watch the video: Windows has detected an IP conflict. Network Error on windows 10, 7, 8 (September 2024).
