Low Internet speed when sharing from a laptop via Wi-Fi


Good afternoon. For distribution from a laptop on Windows 7 via a 3g modem, I used the swith wirtual router program. Everything got up well and the laptop began to distribute. I connected from the phone, at first it was good - the phone saw the network and connected. But the signal is very weak, even the Yandex page does not open. Shared set to adapter. What could be the problem?


Good afternoon. It turns out that this is not a bad Wi-Fi signal from the laptop, but simply the speed is low. Right?

It is possible that this is such a bad speed through your 3G modem. Plus, it still goes through a laptop that distributes Wi-Fi. Or is the Internet fast on a laptop? I would first try connecting another device to this Wi-Fi network. See what speed it will be on.

I don't think this is because of the Switch Virtual Router program, or because of the sharing settings. If the Internet distributed from the laptop still works on the phone, then you have configured everything correctly. But why the speed is so low is difficult to say.

You can try to distribute the network without Switch Virtual Router, and through the command line, according to the instructions: how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, if the Internet is via a USB modem (3G / 4G).



Asked by Dmitry


Watch the video: How To Turn Windows 10 Computer Into a Wi-Fi Hotspot (May 2024).
