Smart Box One (Beeline) router does not see the cable, but distributes Wi-Fi


Hello! The internet went out this morning. As it turned out, the router does not see the cable. The indicator is on constantly, that there is a cable, that it is not. I rebooted the Smart Box One router (installed in the fall) and opened information about the status of the router. It was written that the cable is not connected.

I connected to the laptop, but it did not react in any way. Because of this, I cannot understand the problem in the router or in the cable? In addition, Beeline's technical support did not help, so she went to extreme measures.

Thank you for attention.


Hello. Any router, not only Smart Box One distributes Wi-Fi immediately after turning on the power. Even if the cable is not connected to the WAN port. It's just that this network has no internet access.

What color is the WAN indicator on Smart Box One? I have no way to check, and on the Internet I did not find information on indicators on this router from Beeline. Usually, on other routers, when the cable is not connected, the indicator is off. If your indicator is constantly on, then it looks like a hardware failure of the router. You needed to check with Beeline's support about the indicator. This is their device. In general, support should have helped.

It is strange that the laptop does not respond in any way to the cable connection. Does the icon on the notification bar not change? Go to "Network adapters" and look at the adapter status "Network connection", or "Ethernet".

If there is no reaction, then this may be a problem in the cable itself, or in the equipment of the provider.

In any case, the provider is simply obliged to sort out this issue. Moreover, they see if you have a connection, if there are any problems in the equipment, etc.

Here's another article: the router does not see the Internet cable. WAN port is not working



Asked by Vlada


Watch the video: Настройка роутера Beeline Smart Box под любого провайдера - секретные права админа (September 2024).
