How to change the network name and password on the UPVEL UR-315BN router?


Router - Upvel ur-315bn. Windows 10.

The Internet stopped working the day before yesterday. It turned out that there was a cable break somewhere in the basement.
I thought that I could fix the router myself, this problem already existed, and it disappeared after flashing the router. I reset the router to factory settings (I don't know why myself). Since the matter was different, the reset naturally did not help.

The masters scolded me, they say, in vain you reset the settings. Accordingly, when checking the Internet, I did not find my network, there was another network, and the masters prompted me a password, it, as I understood it, is some kind of common for the entire network.

Naturally, I decided to return at least the password. Found information on changing the password on the router. Changed it. And .. the internet was gone. I suffered for 2 hours, then I removed the Wi Fi adapter from the Device Manager and updated the hardware configuration. The Internet appeared, but all with the same network name and password. I began to look for information on changing the password further. I did not achieve anything, as the Internet stopped loading with this password, but began to react when connecting to a new one that I entered for the router, which is strange. My password was accepted by the system, but there was an Internet connection and nothing was connected. On another laptop, the Internet was connected by the name of the network and the password that the wizard prompted me.

I reset the router settings again. I looked at how to configure it in the Setup Wizard, I don't know if there is a change in the network name and setting my password, but I'm already afraid to do anything. The Internet works, but according to a common password and network name. The investigation has reached a dead end.

Those. the question itself is how to change the password and network name? Thanks.


Hello. I think the problem is not with the Wi-Fi network name and password (maybe I am wrong). From your description it is difficult to understand what is happening there and what the problem might be. If we are talking about a Wi-Fi router, then there may be another username and password given by the Internet provider. They need to be registered in the UPVEL UR-315BN router settings. In the section with the Internet connection settings (but it may not be necessary for your ISP to do this). They have no direct relation to the Wi-Fi network itself. But, if the router is incorrectly configured to connect to the Internet and does not receive Internet from the provider, then the devices will connect to Wi-Fi, but the Internet will not work on them.

They answer your question about changing the Wi-Fi name and password on the UPVEL UR-315BN router.

If the router is at factory settings, then the factory password for the Wi-Fi network can be viewed from the bottom of the router (Wi-Fi Key).

You can change the network name and password in the web interface of the router. You need to connect to the router and go to the settings through the browser. The address is usually The standard login and password are admin / admin. This information is also indicated on the sticker (screenshot above).

You need to go to the "Wi-Fi network" - "Basic settings" section. In the "SSID" field, you need to specify the name of the wireless network, select "Authentication" WPA2-PSK and in the "Key" field, create and write down a password. Then we save the settings.

Hope I was able to clear things up a bit.



Asked by Ekaterina


Watch the video: How to Change WiFi Password u0026 How to change Router name 2015 - Free, Quick u0026 Easy (September 2024).
