How to change the password on the D-Link Wi-Fi router? And how to find out a forgotten password


Many people are interested in the question of how to change the password on a D-Link router. I have to enter the owners of the routers of this company. And since D-Link is very popular, I think the article will be useful and relevant. I have to enter a password change on the Wi-Fi network. Simply, the router has another password that is used when entering the settings. Also, the question of changing the password on D-Link is very popular if the Wi-Fi password has already been successfully forgotten. Try to deal with this problem as well.

Why change the password for the wireless network? Yes, there are different cases. For example, someone hacked your Wi-Fi, you noticed that some strange devices are connected to your router, or maybe you just gave the password for your Wi-Fi to your neighbor, and then changed your mind :) Change the password, and that's it, no one will connect to your network. Always try to install a complex key that will be difficult to find. If someone connects to your router, then he will not only be able to use your Internet (which is not very scary), but he will also be able to access your local network. And this may already be your files and personal information.

Well, try to remember the passwords that you set. Or write them down.

Change password on D-Link

As usual, we need to go to the router settings. This is done like this: we connect to the router (by cable, or via Wi-Fi), in the browser we type the address, specify the username and password. By default, D-Links have this admin and admin... Or, see detailed instructions. The standard data for entering the settings is indicated on the bottom of the router.

In the settings, go to the tabWi-Fi/Security Settings and in the field

If you do not configure anything else, then save the settings. This is done by clicking on the link System and choose Reboot... Like this:

Reboot the router (turn off and turn on the power). Now, the new password that you have set will be used to connect to your Wi-Fi network. If after this procedure your devices refuse to connect to Wi-Fi, then you just need to delete your network on the device and connect to it again. Below, I will write about this in more detail.

How do I change my Wi-Fi password if I forgot my password?

In this case, everything is done exactly as I described above. Only, you need to enter the router settings via a network cable (you don't need to specify a password), or from a device that is still connected to the wireless network.

In the settings, on the same tabWi-Fi/Security Settings you can view the old password (which is specified in the PSK encryption key field), or set a new key.

And if you do not have the opportunity to connect via a network cable, and there is not a single device connected via Wi-Fi, then most likely you will have to reset the router settings and configure everything again. After the reset, the network will either be unprotected, or a standard key will be used to connect to it, which is indicated on the bottom of the device (it is signed as a PIN).

What if after changing the key the devices do not connect to the network?

The most popular problem that occurs after changing the key is when devices that were previously connected to a Wi-Fi network with the old password refuse to connect to it. This is due to the fact that the old key is stored in these devices, which does not match after the change. On computers, this is most likely an error "The network settings saved on this computer do not match the requirements of this network."

What you need to do is just delete your Wi-Fi network on the device and reconnect. On laptops with Windows 7, this is done in the control panel, in the sectionControl Panel Network and Internet Wireless Network Management... There we right-click on the network we need and select Delete network (then, again, connect to it with a new password).

On Windows 8, just click on the name of the wireless network, and select "Forget this web". And on tablets, mobile phones, most likely you also need to click on the network (perhaps press and hold) and select Delete... There is already on each device in different ways.


Watch the video: How to Change Login Password your D-ink DIR 816 router Setup D-Link Wireless Router in PPPoE (September 2024).
