How to set up video surveillance via ASUS router? Port forwarding, and setting up a DVR without a static IP address


Held the Internet to a private household. We put a subscriber box, an asus rt-n16 router was connected to it, which distributes the Internet via wi-fi to beeches, tablets, etc. The house has a perimeter video surveillance system. 4 cameras. Digital video recorder with hard disk Toshiba 1TB. The wizard could not open the ports of the router, configure the system so that the gDMSS Lite program works on the smartphone. She worked for a couple of days before the power outage in the house. And that's all. As the master explained, he set up the program in a roundabout way without opening ports and knew in advance that it would not be long. He cannot solve the problem in another way. The ISP does not provide a permanent IP address to its subscriber box. The address is different every time, as they explained to me. And therefore, it is not possible to configure the connection of a computer from another city with this subscriber box at a permanent address.

This is the task. This house with video surveillance is a summer residence. I want to look at the cameras of the dacha from my smartphone from my permanent home in another city, using this program. How to implement this? A start was made, but not for long. They say that you need to open the ports of the router. So what? I watched the video assistants.

I tried to open these ports. It didn't work, because I don't understand how to correctly register the mas-address, ip-address, port range (what are these numbers, why are they like that, is there a system where to get these numbers or can I come up with them, I tried to register port switching) when connected manually. I'm not even a kettle. I don't understand anything about abbreviations, designations, dots, numbers, etc. Tell me how can I solve my problem.


I will honestly say that I do not understand video surveillance at all, and I have never set up such a scheme. There are no articles on this topic on the site. Therefore, I can hardly advise you something specific. Moreover, if the wizard could not configure who had access to the equipment. But, all the same, I will try to clarify some points.

As for the static IP address, and that the scheme has been working for a while. Anything can be. Look, the wizard in the gDMSS Lite program has registered your current, external IP address. And everything worked. After the electricity disappeared and appeared, the Internet connection session was restarted and you were assigned a new IP address. Already different. That doesn't work. It turns out that you can't do without a permanent, external IP. So that you can watch cameras even from another city. In a local network - no problem.

As for opening ports on an ASUS router for setting up video surveillance. Well, we have a separate article on this topic: How to open ports on an Asus router? We do port forwarding. Which you have probably already seen.

I assume that everything is done like this: in the article I showed how to first assign a static IP address on a local network for a computer (since we opened ports for a computer). And you, assign a static address to the DVR. It should contain its IP address.

Next, you open a port. Having already indicated the IP address that was assigned to the DVR, and the port that is specified in the gDMSS Lite program.

I think it works like this. Although, it seems to me that everything will work without port forwarding. It's all about the external IP address. It must be static.

Although there is such a thing as DDNS, you can google "DDNS for video surveillance". This service allows you to configure access to a remote DVR, or for other purposes, without a permanent (static) IP address.



Asked by Natalia


Watch the video: how to set up ip camera port forwarding (September 2024).
