Wi-Fi driver for laptop DNS. Download from the official site and install


Today, in the comments to the article on installing the Wi-Fi adapter driver in Windows 7, a comment appeared with a question about the driver for the Wireless DNS laptop adapter. To be honest, I've never come across these laptops. All I know about them is that they are collected in Russia and they are sold at a good price. Just looked on the internet for some good reviews about them.

If you purchased a DNS laptop and installed Windows on it yourself, then of course you will need drivers. Including a Wi-Fi adapter. Otherwise, your laptop's Wi-Fi DNS will most likely not work. In response to a comment, I still found the official website with DNS laptop drivers. It wasn't very easy though. An ordinary user who has encountered this for the first time is unlikely to be able to understand where to download the driver, and what to download. Moreover, as far as I understand, there is no disc in the kit.

As it turned out, drivers for all DNS products, including laptops, are collected on one FTP server. There is very convenient and intuitive navigation. You can easily find the driver you need and download it. Even easier than on the websites of some popular manufacturers.

Finding and Downloading the Wireless (WLAN) Driver for DNS Laptop Adapter

First, you need to determine the name of the platform your laptop is built on. It is by this name that we will look for the driver. Turn your laptop over and look at the information that is on the sticker.

The platform name is a set of letters and numbers that can be seen in the screenshot below.

Rewrite this information, or take a picture on your phone.

Then follow the link: http://ftp.dns-shop.ru/Notebooks/

You will see a large list. These are the names of the platform. We find the platform of our laptop, and follow the link. To search the page, you can press the key combination Ctrl + F. For example, we have the "A17YA" platform:

Select the operating system for which you want to load the driver. In my case, there is only Windows 7.

A list of all drivers will open. By clicking on the name, the download will start immediately. Since we need a driver for Wi-Fi, it will most likely be called "WLAN". If you need a driver for a network card, download "LAN". "WLAN_BT_COMBO" is a Bluetooth driver. I think this is not difficult to deal with.

Just save the archive to your computer.

Driver Installation

Open the downloaded archive, go to the folder that is inside the archive, find and run the "SETUP.EXE" file.

An installation wizard will appear, in which you just need to follow the instructions. Usually, it all boils down to clicking the Next button.

I think you can figure it out without me.

I hope you succeeded. There you can download other drivers for your DNS laptop. There is everything you need for each model. Don't forget we're looking for the platform name.


Watch the video: How to Install Any Laptop Wi-Fi Driver without Internet for Windows 1087 (May 2024).
