Lost Wi-Fi connection at a distance (when you leave the router)


Such a problem. When you keep the laptop tight to the router, everything works with a bang, no problem. As soon as you move a couple of steps away from it, it immediately loses its connection and does not even join

When you stand nearby, the torrent downloads over 8MB, as soon as you move away, the speed drops sharply and that's it, there is no Wi-Fi.

Guys help, it's impossible already, I've tried everything. If anything, then I have Windows 10, I have already tried everything that is written about solving the problem with loss of connection in the top ten, nothing helped.


First you need to find out what the problem is. To do this, you need to connect your laptop to another router and see how it will keep the Wi-Fi connection at a distance. Also see how other devices work with your network. Without this information, there is little point in advising anything.

The problem can be both in the laptop itself and in the router (Wi-Fi network). Perhaps this is due to interference from neighboring networks, or some kind of household appliances. And when you start moving away from the router, the network level drops? Has this problem always been with these devices? Have you rebooted the router?



Asked by Renat


Watch the video: solved How to fix IOS Wifi Connection Problem (September 2024).
