Why does Xiaomi router cut Wi-Fi speed and internet is slow?


To begin with, a small description of the problem that we will solve in this article. Xiaomi routers are very popular. First of all, probably because of its price and appearance. Well, they work well. Stable. I have a Xiaomi mini WiFi, which only pleases.

But as it happens with all Wi-Fi routers - they severely cut the speed of the Internet over Wi-Fi. I often see questions like this in the comments: "my Xiaomi WiFi MiRouter 3 over Wi-Fi gives out no more than 15 Mbps at a rate of 100 Mbps." Well, this is really not enough. It is clear that all 100 Mbit / s in the case of a Wi-Fi connection is unlikely to be squeezed out (although in the 5 GHz range it is possible), but not 10, or 15 Mbit / s. Some people have even less. The speed also strongly depends on the client himself, settings, interference, obstacles. Don't forget this.

By cable, through a router from Xiaomi, the speed is usually always around 100 Mbit / s. Depending on your tariff.

If your provider (according to the tariff that you have connected) has a speed of more than 100 Mbps, then do not forget that the Xiaomi WiFi MiRouter 3, Xiaomi Mini Wifi and Mi WiFi 3c models have the speed of WAN and LAN ports limited to just 100 Mbps. /from. So there is no way to squeeze out more. Neither wifi nor cable. Gigabit ports only on Mi WiFi Router 3G, HD, and Pro R3P models.

So why, then, does the Wi-Fi router cut speed so much and the Internet is so slow? In this we will now try to figure it out.

We solve the problem with the speed of wireless connection on Xiaomi routers

The solution was suggested to me in the comments, to the article on setting up Xiaomi mini WiFi. Then I walked a little more, and as it turned out, these routers have such a function as QoS.

What it does: It analyzes the speed, and then deals with the distribution of speed between the connected devices. And in principle, there is nothing wrong with the system itself. But the problem is that when the router tests the speed of the Internet connection, it usually gets a very low speed. Why? Most likely because it checks it to some distant Chinese server. And only then the received speed is somehow distributed between the devices.

Therefore, there are two solutions:

  1. Disable the QoS function completely. I think this is the best option. Even in setting up a Xiaomi router it is written that if your internet speed is more than 50 Mbps, then it is better to disable this function.
  2. Set manually the maximum speed of 100 Mbps, or 1000 Mbps (if your model has gigabit ports).

I will show you how to do this using the example of the Xiaomi mini WiFi router. But for other models, this process should not be different.

Go to the router settings at, or miwifi.com (for more details, see this article). We enter the password that protects the settings and get into the web interface.

In the "Advanced" - "QoS Traffic manager" section, click on the button indicated in the screenshot and set the speed. Since in this window the speed is indicated in Mbit / s (and in the settings in MB / s), in order to receive 100 MB / s, you need to register 800 Mbit / s. It may look a little different in your firmware version. But not the point. Just put 800 there, or 1000.

Well, we also check that QoS is disabled. You can try turning it on if you like. Look at the speed test results.

Here is another screenshot from the web interface of the Xiaomi router, which is on English firmware:

After that, it does not hurt to reboot the router. Then you can check the speed over Wi-Fi. How to check it on different devices, I wrote here.

I advise you to check it on several devices: laptops, tablets, smartphones. To eliminate problems on the side of a specific device.

Also, do not forget that almost all Xiaomi routers are dual-band (except Xiaomi Mi WiFi 3c). If possible, connect to a Wi-Fi network in the 5 GHz range.

Write in the comments if these settings helped you. Has the speed increased?


Watch the video: How To Increase WiFi Speed 10X With Just A Small Trick (September 2024).
