Lost connection to Zyxel Keenetic II (Beeline): "ndmService L2TP0 unexpectedly stopped"


Hello. The last five days, the connection to the wifi on the phone began to be constantly broken. At first I endured - I thought, because of the weather, interruptions. Then she climbed to understand.

I updated the firmware, and changed the communication channels from auto to thirteenth. Five minutes do not pass - the same story. At the same time, the Internet is normal via the cable, the computer is connected in this way to the same router and works without interference.

Climbed into the log - there, at each disconnection, it issues "ndmService:" L2TP0 ": unexpectedly stopped.". I googled this phrase - I did not receive a clear answer. Someone blames the provider (beeline), someone fails the router model (zyxel keenetic II). The router was purchased in early 2014 and, of course, is no longer guaranteed. I wonder what else I can try to do.


Hello. I'll clarify right away: you have a Beeline provider, a Zyxel Keenetic II router. Right?

Something is wrong here. Perhaps you are wrong, or you did not fully describe the problem. The string "ndmService:" L2TP0 ": unexpectedly stopped." in the router's log indicates that the L2TP connection by the provider was unexpectedly stopped.

If the connection is broken, the Internet should disappear on all devices. There must be a Wi-Fi connection, but no internet access. You didn't write:

  1. How exactly do you get disconnected and what happens?
  2. Does this happen on other devices over Wi-Fi?
  3. What are you doing to make it work again?
  4. Is there a high-speed connection on your computer?
  5. What does Beeline support say about the error "ndmService:" L2TP0 ": unexpectedly stopped."? You need to call them.

Please specify this information. Let's think further.



Asked by Kamila


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